“If you want to change the future, start living as if you are already there.” -Lynn Conway
At TAG, we believe that everyone—individuals, businesses, and communities alike—have the capacity and responsibility to make a positive impact in their community.
Focusing largely on the Southwestern Illinois and Eastern Missouri bistate region- our mission is to equip people and Digital Equity focused nonprofits with the skills, capacity, and or programming development needed to increase digital engagement in their communities and help close the digital divide.
Together, we can create a more digitally inclusive region.
Community Digital Skills
Basic Digital Skills
Device Access Help
IT Career Starters
Upskilling Triage
Digital Equity Research and Empowerment
Broadband Adoption and Information Events
Technology Workshops
Partnered Device Distribution
Computer Build Workshops
EPA & Electronic Recycling
Community Fundraisers
Volunteer Projects
Community Events
Price varies by scope. Limited to availability.
Education Program Development
Electronic Recycling Volunteers
Community Engagement
Broadband Adoption Projects
Digital Navigator Training
Digital Education Facilitations
TAG us!
TK - Director of Operations
Kryndle - Director of Community Engagement
Fae - Co-Founder, CEO
Gage - Co-Founder